TIME Magazine Announces “Person of the Year 2011” Guess Who? Uranus in Aries!

Well, it’s actually “The Protester,” but that’s just another name for Uranus in Aries. The Protester’s nemisis was/is Pluto in Capricorn fueled by Saturn in Libra ~ all manifestations of the Cardinal T-Square which was in effect for the past couple of years. Read TIME’s cover story here. There’s lots of coverage here, including Loukanikos, Athens’ Protest … More TIME Magazine Announces “Person of the Year 2011” Guess Who? Uranus in Aries!

Tarot Spread for Aries

As Uranus perches at Aries’ door, all of us are facing new experiences. The placement of the rogue planet in the warrior/lover sign of Aries might be passionately bizarre or bizarrely passionate, oddly invigorating or invigoratingly odd. We won’t know till it’s over, but it’s sure to leave us wiser and with our eyes a bit more wide open. Igraine of … More Tarot Spread for Aries

Surviving Radical Transits while Entertaining Angels Unaware

I’ve recently asked readers to share their stories about the changes that Uranus transits or the Cardinal T-Square of 2010 brought to their lives. Many stories aren’t yet fully formed, but are in the beginning, unseen stages of manifestation. Some people feel afraid or threatened by the times, while others are grateful for the newfound freedoms … More Surviving Radical Transits while Entertaining Angels Unaware