June 2024 Moon Signs and Phases with Free Moon Phase Display Piece

(Scroll down for the freebie.)

I’ve been on a very long hiatus and am happy to be here now to wish you all a happy June and start of the meteorological summer season. Astronomical summer begins with the summer solstice which is June 20 this year. I’m already running my ac, though, and it’s still May with a high of 94 expected today. It is definitely summer in the southern US.

A few highlights for the month of June include the New Moon in Gemini on the 6th, the astronomical Summer Solstice with the Sun’s entry into Cancer on the 20th, and the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st.

During the Gemini New Moon, we are encouraged to work on words–communication skills, reading ability, writing, comprehension, expression, anything to do with words. That can include expanding our vocabulary, learning a new language, or adding up the word score in a nice game of scrabble.

Gemini sparks our curiosity and gets us poking at things (and people) to get to know more about them. If something has caught your attention lately, the Gemini lunation is a wonderful time to turn over all the rocks or search every nook and cranny to find out what makes something tick.

The next big event of June is the Sun’s entry into Cancer on the Summer Solstice, June 20th, 4:51pm EDT, and comes with a Sagittarius Moon. Maybe, if we’re lucky, that Sagittarius Moon will fill our summer with good laughs and a positive outlook.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21, 9:08pm EDT, is the Full Strawberry Moon this year. Capricorn is serious with a wicked sense of humor, must be respected, and can be mature beyond their years. If they aren’t the boss, they usually want to look like they’re in charge or control. Full Moons require balance, so the very grown-up Capricorn Full Moon has to find a balance with the mushy, be careful now, sometimes smother-mother qualities of Cancer.

Capricorn rules all types of salt–and there are many, many types–making this the absolute best full moon of the year to make some blessing salt and charge it under the Moon’s beams. You can read more about beautiful blessing salt in this post, Capricorn Blessing Salt.

Freebie for the Artsy-Craftsy

I get tired of seeing Moon calendars looking like regular wall calendars all the time. Yes, they are very helpful and it’s great to see everything laid out a month at a time. That cannot be denied. I can’t do without one. Every once in a while, though, I long for something a little more…”creative.”

I got a long overdue hankerin’ this morning to make something to put on my mantle or desk that reminds me of the upcoming Moon sign and phase changes. This is it. I want to share it with you.

Download the image file.

If you like paper crafts, print and decorate this 4-panel display to your heart’s content. If you just want something to stick in your journal, you can cut it out and accordion fold it or cut each panel apart and place them in your calendar pages for each phase. Or just print it and stick it on your fridge. As they too often say, “You do you.”

Happy June and Happy Summer!